The 6/3 Role Model Martyr Profile in Human Design Explained
Exploring the 6/3 Role Model Martyr – Mentor Expert Profile in Human Design The 6/3 profile in human design, the role model martyr, or as I like to say in ecocentric human design, the mentor expert. A Human Design 6/3 Role Model Martyr Profile Affirmation You are...
The 6/2 Role Model Hermit Profile in Human Design Explained
Exploring the 6/2 Role Model Hermit – Mentor Introvert Profile in Human Design The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design, the role model hermit, or as I like to say in Ecocentric human design, the mentor introvert. A Human Design 6/2 Role Model Hermit Profile...
Emotional Authority in Human Design – Waves, wakes, and emotional sloppiness. – Finding Emotional Neutral
Understanding Emotional Authority in Human Design Before I get into the information about emotional authority in human design and finding emotional neutral I first want to say, there is a lot happening in our world. While I’m in zero position to comment in any sort of...
The Typical Entrepreneur Vs. The HD Aligned Entrepreneur
The Typical Entrepreneur Vs. The HD Aligned Entrepreneur When we find congruence to the true nature of our being, our lives (& businesses) can bloom. We've all taken on conditioning in life - it happens as part of the human experience. The well-meaning teacher who...
The Nuance of Strategy
One of the things I love most about human design is the depth, the nuance & the capacity it has for us to discover something new about ourselves. It validates our experience, confirms what we knew intuitively, but the world told us no, and gives us a path to get...
Human Design is a Powerful Tool
Human Design is a powerful tool with an incredible amount of depth and nuance to it that can be leveraged to support clients in various ways with the caveat that you must actually look deeper than type and profile. I've noticed an insurgence of ________ by design...