Human Design for Business Models & Offers by Profile Lines

Let’s dive into business models and offers by line & profile in human design I am going to share some recommendations by line (the two numbers that make up your profile) when it comes business model and offers. Please keep in mind that, I believe, the parts don’t exist without the whole in human design so this is only one piece that I look at when working with people to build a life and biz in HD.

When it comes to biz building and offer selection I always look at the line level of the chart, not just the profile, but all of the lines. We each have 26 line placements and these can influence how we show up in the world and our business model. For example, I had a 3/5 projector client who had 11 first lines. This impacts her business model, her work and how she shows up and supports her clients.

I am a firm believer that we must stop trying to fit human design into our businesses and build a business around our design, desires, and lifestyle. You have the exact chart to live out what you desire if you are willing to give yourself a permission slip and claim it.


​Human Design for Business Models The Line 1 – Researcher

When it comes to the profile and lines inside our chart, they speak for us in our aura. Our profile and lines are like a lighthouse shining out into the sea—calling us back to ourselves again and again and inviting others into our ecosystem. They speak of our congruence and high expression or not. Everything in human design exists in the high expression or the low expression.

In business, this means we either attract what we desire because we show up and have the courage to reckon with the challenges and baggage that come with whatever profile we have. Or we abdicate our power in the process – we blame others for our lack of action and success – we stay caught in a cycle of stuck-trend hopping from thing to thing, hoping for a quick fix.

In business, much like in life, there is no quick fix, and it is no different when it comes to the work of building a business around your design. There are no shortcuts. It requires a level of honesty to speak what you desire, a level of transparency, deconstructing beliefs that no longer serve you, and a willingness to get a little bit more vulnerable than you may be willing to. It requires you to step onto the field of life and take step after step – to have the courage to venture out into the unknown….a place where you might fail, be judged, or you may succeed beyond your wildest dreams. When we own the whole of who we are in business and life, magic happens. We live life in high definition. That starts with a better understanding of how our aura is speaking the lines and profile in our design and how that shows up in business.


​Human Design for Business Models

 The Line 2 – Introvert

One of the examples I always use when teaching business design is a dear friend from high school. He and I have nearly identical charts except for the tonal level – we were born in the same hospital, on the same day and year, just a couple of hours apart. Yet our paths could not be more different.

Human design is a great tool we can use to better understand what business might be best for us, but we still have to live out our soul’s journey here on earth, and each one of us has a different journey. This is why we have to deconstruct our beliefs on how we are supposed to run a business or what a business should look like, or I should do it like x because they are successful.

Instead, we must ask ourselves what we really want to do. All too often, clients come to me without knowing which direction they want to go, or they are trying to do it like me or someone else.

Any road will get you there if you don’t know where you want to go. With every class or program I teach I always bring up Alice and the Cheshire Cat.

Alice comes to a fork in the road and asks the Cheshire Cat, “Which way shall I go?”

The Cheshire Cat replies, “Where do you want to go?”

Alice replies, “I don’t know.” To which the cat replies, “Any road will take you there.”

The reality is if you don’t know where you want to go, any road will take you there. And if you are trying to should yourself into a business like mine or anyone else’s, you will end up disappointed because you abandoning yourself. Part of this journey in building a life & biz in HD comes down to hard conversations with yourself. It requires a level of vulnerability that you might not be comfortable with. It requires you to put down all the baggage and should that you are carrying and say yes to yourself, your desires, your lifestyle, and your soul’s journey.


​Human Design for Business Models

The Line 3 – Experimenter

All too often in business, we don’t have clarity on where we want to end up. Particularly when it comes to our business model. I believe one of the fundamental problems in the biz world is that we don’t educate people on what is involved with each of the different business models out there. I don’t think people fully understand what’s involved when doing an 8-week course, which you repeat where you are bringing in new people vs. a 1-year group coaching program w/voxer support where we work with the same people for periods. One involves a very short, concentrated effort over a period of 3 or 4 months. One requires you to be “ON” pretty much weekly or at least with relative consistency.

In order to get to where we want to go in life and business, we have to be clear about what we want our days to look like. How do we actually want to support clients and work with people? What are your longer-term goals? Do we want a lifestyle business, or do we want a 7 figure biz? Do we want to work for short periods of time, or would we rather work consistently two days a week? So often, when it comes to thinking ahead and our goals, I see people get stuck on the details and the how…but the reality is we actually need to plan for the destination rather than how we get there.

For example, if I had a client that said, I want to have freedom in my business, where I could work for 3 or 4 months at a time and be unplugged for 3 or 4 months at a time. Their business model would likely be some combination of a course, self-study products, events, or short-term consulting work, and we would leverage their chart to see what is present to make some decisions around that….then in the day-to-day of running the business, we can use the filter of I want to be unplugged for 3 or 4 months at a time as a filter for decision making.


​Human Design for Business Models

The Line 4 – Mayor

This is in contrast to, say a money goal, if we have a money goal or we aren’t sure where we want to end up then this same client might always be saying yes to every opportunity at the cost of why they started the business in the first place – to have the freedom to take 3 or 4 months off at a time.

Our business and our design support our desires, but this requires us to be clear about what we desire. We need to claim what we truly want and then take step after step to get there. To not let the glittering allure of FOMO, Trends, and Should’s cloud our decision making. It requires us to get back to the nature of who we are and put down the baggage we are carrying. It requires us to find the intersection of our design, desires, and lifestyle, stop trying to fit our designs into our businesses, and instead build a business around our designs. If you feel call I invite you to join me in the Business Design with Human Design Experience…There is a better way by design…

Building a business at the intersection of your design, desires, and lifestyles requires you to do two things…

1) take radical responsibility for where you are with respect to getting what you want. To be vulnerable, transparent and honest about your current reality so that you can get to where you want to be.

2) Give yourself a permission slip to claim what you desire. To put down the should’s, ought to’s, I thinks, about what success is supposed to look like and go after what we truly desire in every area of life. To deconstruct our beliefs around what success is (and is not) and define it for ourselves. A permission slip to live life fully, wholely, and congruent to your desires, design, and lifestyle. To put down the judgement, shame, shrinking, and guilt about pursuing the life you want and instead embody it.


​Human Design for Business Models

The Line 5 – Disrupter

I want to remind you that in my world, the parts in human design do not exist without the whole. We must look at all the pieces of the chart and synthesize them together to discern our business model mix.

We must reckon with the tension and dichotomy that can (and often does) exist within our charts. We have to deconstruct our beliefs around how it is “supposed” to look. We have to say yes to ourselves and our way. If we are building a biz & life in love in high definition, it starts with us.

I hope you can find the courage to give yourself a permission slip to say yes to what you truly desire, to discern where you want to end up, and take micro step after micro step to get there.

If you would like to join me for Business Design with Human Design Experience to tune up the definition in your life & biz.  Now with deconditioning support. The feedback from the deconditioning sessions on Decision Making was fire, and the replay is already up on the learning platform for you to enjoy. As always, honor your authority. => businessdesignwithhumandesign (dot) com.

 As I have witnessed this as a challenge for those who come into the business courses. They think they are making decisions aligned to their authority but at the end of the day they are in the mind instead of the body.


​Human Design for Business Models

The Line 6 – Mentor

There will be two sessions on decision-making & authority (one of which is already recorded), 1 session on the environment, and two sessions on the centers.

As I share this six-part series on the lines that make up the profiles, please take what resonates and leave the rest. I believe the parts don’t exist without the whole in human design, and we cannot take only one aspect of our chart into consideration. Our charts give us a map to support us in building that which we wish to bring to life in our businesses and entrepreneurial journeys. For everything that I create and synthesize, I have first personally experimented, then I look for patterns with clients to prove my hypothesis, and then I build the class content around that.


Living Your Human Design Types

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.