Human Design Gate 32 – The Gate of Continuity – Duration 

Let’s dive into gate 32 in human design the gate of continuity. This gate 32 in human design is fundamentally conservative. As one of the awareness gates of the spleen, it is also a gate of fear. Here in gate 32, we have the fear of failure. People with gate 32 are conservative by nature. This is also the gate of continuity. This continuity and conservativism is for the benefit of the tribe. It is here to conserve material success because it does not want to be a failure. ‘

Everything in this instinctive stream has to do with achieving material success for the thrive. Gate 32 is deeply concerned about whether or not it will be a success for the tribe and is VERY afraid of failure.

The stream of instinct is deeply related to nose and smell. They can often smell that failure is coming because, as part of the memory network, they can smell the remembrance of failure, unlike the 54, who can only remember victory. This is why this gate is inherently conservative. It can recognize that transformation can always take place. The awareness that lies in this gate is to recognize what can be transformed and what should be transformed or not.

The ambition of the other half of this channel in gate 54 does not always have to be satisfied; there is a time to move up the ladder. There is a time to change your product line. It understands the nature of timing. Here, in the 32, it is all about judging (clearly) what can and cannot be transformed. This is awareness potential.

In the body this is where we regulate our liquids and our memory is stored in the water within our cells. The water in the cells carries the memory. This is all about the memory stream. Any activation in this stream is always going to be an indicator of deep cellular memory in a human being. This gate in particular is a memory of what did not work.

The recognition of the smell of failure builds up in the memory over a lifetime. The smell of seeing what does not work and what does, and as these people age, they can smell a whiff of what is coming.

The Depths of Gate 32 in Human Design – The Gate of Continuity

It is at this gate 32 in human design that we understand that the only thing that endures is change, which is what our evolutionary process is all about. This is being conservative about what you will change to or for. This is not rejecting change it is about the discernment of to recognize what change is best for the tribe. Change is inherent in our nature.

The programming partner of this gate is Gate 49 which is about the revolution.

Questions for Gate 32  The Gate of Continuity in Human Design

  • What do I need to do in order to bring my big idea to life?
  • What do I need to prepare to cultivate my vision?
  • Am I honoring the timing of my life or am I pushing?
  • What is my relationship like with fear of failure?
  • How can I cultivate more patience?
  • Am I pushing instead of honoring my intuition?
  • Am I too conservative? Too Prepared? Doing too much?

Want to dive deeper into Gate 32 – The Gate of Continuity?

Delve into the Gates in Human Design with Human Design Gate Strengths

If you like this content I invite you to order your copy of Human Design Gate Stregnths. This is just a taste of the content that is available inside of the book.

Along with the gate strengths bonus masterclass for added depth and nuance.

Living Your Human Design Marketing by Type

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

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