Human Design Gate 18 – The Gate of Correction – Work on What Has Been Spoilt

Let’s dive into Human Design Gate 18 – The Gate of Correction. Human Design Gate 18 sets the standard of what is expected and what needs to be improved upon. It is the expectations of what is expected and what needs to be corrected. This is the source of our standards and expectations and where the root of our comparison is born. These comparisons and standards apply to every aspect of life and are always subject to correction.

This is the fear of authority, and the first authority we face in our lives is our parents. This is the struggle for authority and the conflict between the sexes within a family structure.

This gate refuses to resign and will always inherently have a need to correct and improve throughout life. There is always room for improvement and growth. This is the perennial dissatisfaction that hones the logic and understanding of critical skills.

This energy challenges the conditioning of societal norms and moral standards in order to improve for the betterment of life.

The most important thing to remember with this gate is, “Is this correction going to bring me a sense of value?” If it is not, it is not worth the energy to correct it.

The Depths of Gate 18 in Human Design – The Gate of Correction

This is a projected and collective logical gate in human design. This energy must be invited to actually be heard by the individual and is here to move the masses forward. The judgments from this energy are optimally directed at the collective.

The advice from this gate is not about the mundane; it is about the evolution of healing, boundaries, and wounds that the collective faces and increasing the standards for the collective. Think of this as the collective deserves better than this.

Questions for Gate 18 The Gate of Correction in Human Design

  • Where are you criticizing the individual instead of the collective?
  • Are you gossiping, moaning, and groaning in a negative way without offering up an improvement?
  • Where are you keeping yourself stuck in a holding pattern of perfectionism?
  • What is your relationship like with authority? Do you fear it? Do you challenge it?
  • Are you being mindful of whom you are directing your criticisms toward?

Want to dive deeper into Gate 18 – The Gate of Correction?

Delve into the Gates in Human Design with Human Design Gate Strengths

If you like this content I invite you to order your copy of Human Design Gate Stregnths. This is just a taste of the content that is available inside of the book.

Along with the gate strengths bonus masterclass for added depth and nuance.

Living Your Human Design Marketing by Type

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.