by Jamie Palmer | Jun 9, 2021 | Implementation, IntegratED with Jamie Palmer, Mindset, Podcast, Strategy
“Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before other’s choices make us.” Entrepreneurs often get swept away in to-do lists and get so busy delivering all the things in their business, that they don’t actually do the work on their own business...
by Jamie Palmer | May 25, 2021 | Implementation, Mindset, Strategy, Tactical, Youtube
As someone who’s been an entrepreneur for the better part of her life, I’ve toyed around and played around with a lot of different productivity hacks and different things to be more productive. So today I am going to share with you 10 simple productivity...
by Jamie Palmer | May 18, 2021 | Implementation, Mindset, Strategy, Tactical, Youtube
Entrepreneurship and productivity don’t always go together, so I decided to share with you my process for how I help my clients become more productive in their business. The first decade of my business I was burning the midnight oil. I would get up super early...
by Jamie Palmer | May 11, 2021 | Podcast, Social Media, Strategy, Tactical, Youtube
So, you made a podcast. Now, you want to inform people about it, and you will do that by creating an audiogram. It is the biggest thing that you can do to share, grow, and scale your podcast. What are audiograms? Audiograms are short little audio clips that give a...
by Jamie Palmer | May 6, 2021 | Implementation, IntegratED with Jamie Palmer, Mindset, Podcast, Strategy
Over the years, when it comes to expectations, I’ve learned some really valuable lessons the hard way when it comes to expectation setting and clients. Back in 2014, I had 18 clients and at the time I was doing done for you social media. You couldn’t schedule...
by Jamie Palmer | May 4, 2021 | Mindset, Social Media, Strategy, Tactical, Youtube
I started my business when I was 20 and I’ve been in business for nearly 18 years. I’ve seen a lot of success with entrepreneurs along the way, but also a lot of failures. So, today, I’m going to share one of the biggest mistakes I see so many...
by Jamie Palmer | May 3, 2021 | Implementation, IntegratED with Jamie Palmer, Marketing, Mindset, Podcast, Strategy
On my weekly business ecosystem builders call, I had a client who said, “I sold two memberships to my community completely out of the blue”. This person had put this membership program on the back burner since December of 2020. So, it was really shocking to him that...
by Jamie Palmer | Apr 29, 2021 | Mindset, Strategy, Tactical
It’s been 408 days since the pandemic began. 408 days of craziness, laughter, joy, fights, tears, frustration, and a whole lot of love. As things begin to open up, I can’t help but reflect on how much joy this past year has brought me. The strength and patience I have...
by Jamie Palmer | Apr 27, 2021 | Implementation, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy, Youtube
How do you grow your online course for membership? This is a hot-button topic that is widely discussed in the online space. In today’s blog, I will share with you my proven tips on how to grow and scale your membership. Offering an online course, membership or group...
by Jamie Palmer | Apr 20, 2021 | Implementation, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy, Youtube
I started my business as an agency and one of the services we offered was social media marketing. So I have spent the better part of my career helping people systematize their social media. And so what I’m gonna do today is share my process for how I batch...
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