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How To Leverage Facebook Groups To Grow Your Business
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Facebook Groups are a great way to grow your business when leveraged properly AND if you have the right group. I have used them throughout my career to grow my business and can attribute over $250,000 in sales to one post which I did. That is the power of building a presence in facebook groups and then creating relationships that create referrals from it.
I’m going to share some ninja tips on how to get the most out of Facebook Groups:
1 – Find 2-3 groups where you can show up and really deliver value and be an active member.
2 – Add the posting schedule of the group to your editorial calendar so you know what days you can post which content
3 – Make a point each week to post something of value inside the group
4 – Answer other people’s questions and be a resource to the group. Showcase your expertise.
5 – The more you engage in the group in a meaningful way the more the content that is relevant to you will show up in your news feed automatically. Making it easier for you to be an active member of the group.
6 – Be clear about your expectations, it takes time to create relationships. That doesn’t happen overnight. Be consistent and show up weekly.
Which one of these tips will you plan to use?
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