The Heart Center In Human Design

The heart center in human design is also known as the ego center is where our will power, confidence/self-esteem and worth come from. The heart center is the bedrock of the society in that it fuels our will to survive in community and thrive on the material world. This is literally where communities are established.

The heart has established our community and entrepreneurial way of life. It is our capacity and themes of value in terms of our contribution to the tribe or community.

The Ego / Heart Center in Human Design

It is one of the four motor centers in the body. The heart center is one of the smallest centers in the body and it houses tremendous power.

Self-esteem is how we move with confidence in the world as a valued, contributing, healthy member of society. With self-confidence we receive material and support of the tribe in return. When we struggle with our self-esteem and belief in one-self we lack trust in ourselves and our own value – this results in losing our will to meet the many challenges of life and our capacity to follow through. The ego in a healthy stated must be affirmed and reassured of the value of itself and its contribution to the others. If not, it will shut down and self-esteem becomes self-loathing and ultimately self-hatred which comes at a bit cost to oneself and that of the community.

In our society we have a tendency toward over achievement, often making promises we KNOW we do not have the will power to follow through on. We don’t have the will to keep up. We go beyond what our bodies are capable of in order to prove or worth. This is a symptom of trying to prove our worthiness. Learning our mind’s role in how we value our self is key to this center.

What definition is your heart center?

Human Design Education & Training – Diving Deeper into the Defined, Undefined, & Open Heart

If you want to dig deeper into the depth and nuance of the heart center in human design, I invite you to join in the HD Wild Ecocentric Human Design Training Program. This one year experience will support you in elevating your human design knowledge and set you apart as a human design practioner and expert. The HD Wild Program aims to set the standard of what it means to be HD Informed with its practical, in-depth, real world approach to human design education and training. 

To my knowledge, I am the only person who is approaching human design the way that I do. If you want to create a blue ocean in your industry, differentiate yourself in your area of expertise and support your clients in getting more consistent results I invite you to join me in this cohort of HD Wild which is now enrolling.

HD Wild Human Design Training program runs two times a year and is enrolling now through September 30th of 2024. The next cohort will begin late Janauary of 2025. If you want to learn more check out the open house on the program or if you are ready to dive in you can enroll here.


The Heart Center in Human Design

Living Your Human Design Types

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.