The Identity Center In Human Design

Let’s dive into the Identity Center in human design also known as the g-center. When it comes to the identity center in human design in business this is a place where we either have clarity on our direction in our life and business or not. This is where we feel clear in our purpose, direction and self love or not.

The Configuration of the Identity Center in Human Design

Those with a defined identity center in human design in business typically are very clear on their purpose and direction. They likely have a fixed way that they show up in the world. The defined identity center often has a very clear purpose and a path for how they want to get there unlike their undefined center counterparts.

The defined identity center is always happy to dole out direction for others because it has an inherint need to have a direction unlike its undefined identity center counterparts. The defined identity center needs a direction, a purpose and a plan. These are people who feel a sense of self-love and a great knowing of who they are and their place in the world. For entrepreneurs, these emerges as those with a vision and a plan for how to get to that vision. They know with great specificity where they want to end up.

With an undefined identity center, there are entrepreneurs who are more fluid in where they want to end up. They know they want to roughly be in this area vs a specific address. There is more flexibility to the vision of a undefined identity center than its defined counterparts. The undefined identity center can emerge as very chameleon like adapting to those around it. In fact, they may have a different style or purpose depending upon who they are around.

For entrepreneurs with an undefined identity center this means that environment will play a key role to their success since this influences who they are, purpose and direction. For the undefined identity center carefully discerning your environment is key to your success. Wrong environment, wrong people and wrong direction. If you are in the correct environment, correct people. Correct direction. This is not just physical location but also in community, for example a mastermind or group program.

Let me know what configuration your identity center is.

Human Design Education & Training – Diving Deeper into the Defined, Undefined, & Open Identity Center

If you want to dig deeper into the depth and nuance of the identity center in human design, I invite you to join in the HD Wild Ecocentric Human Design Training Program. This one year experience will support you in elevating your human design knowledge and set you apart as a human design practioner and expert. The HD Wild Program aims to set the standard of what it means to be HD Informed with its practical, in-depth, real world approach to human design education and training. 

To my knowledge, I am the only person who is approaching human design the way that I do. If you want to create a blue ocean in your industry, differentiate yourself in your area of expertise and support your clients in getting more consistent results I invite you to join me in this cohort of HD Wild which is now enrolling.

HD Wild Human Design Training program runs two times a year and is enrolling now through September 30th of 2024. The next cohort will begin late Janauary of 2025. If you want to learn more check out the open house on the program or if you are ready to dive in you can enroll here.


The Identity Center in Human Design

Living Your Human Design Types

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

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