The Splenic Center In Human Design

The human design splenic center is one of three awareness centers, the spleen center is concerned with our survival and vitality. This is the oldest center in the body – its most common function is to keep us alive, literally. This is our primal instinct to survive despite the odds.

The Awareness of the Spleen / Splenic Center in Human Design

This splenic / spleen center in human design operates in the moment, it is alert, instinctual and drives the fear of what threatens our livelihood. Before modern society, this is the center that kept us alive. The inner alerts that guided us not to eat the red berries or to be on the lookout for animals that might attack us. This is the body’s intelligence of what we need to survive, adapt, and thrive. The spleen takes in information from the environment via the five sense, listening, taste, smell, touch, and sight then discerns if it is in balance or if there is something to alert us of. It has an existential awareness to it and processes this information in the now.

Every gate coming off the spleen is tied to a primary fear as it relates to survival. The splenic center’s alertness builds confidence over time as we confront and survive fear-filled challenges that threaten our survival and well-being. Learning to dance with the fears that are present within our chart, be in the present and see the fear for what it is, acknowledge it and then move on is key. The seven fears that are present in the spleen are:

• Gate 48 – Inadequacy
• Gate 57 – Future
• Gate 44 – Past
• Gate 50 – Responsibility
• Gate 32 – Failure
• Gate 28 – Death/lack of purpose/meaning
• Gate 18 – Authority

The splenic center is where our body consciousness comes from, our spontaneity, our health, our taste, and well-being (the splenic center is where the immune system resides) and where our values emerge from. The spleen is also responsible for time, our light-heartedness, laughter, spontaneity and daring.

Let me know if your splenic center is defined, undefined or open.

Human Design Education & Training – Diving Deeper into the Defined, Undefined, & Open Splenic Center 

If you want to dig deeper into the depth and nuance of the splenic center in human design, I invite you to join in the HD Wild Ecocentric Human Design Training Program. This one year experience will support you in elevating your human design knowledge and set you apart as a human design practioner and expert. The HD Wild Program aims to set the standard of what it means to be HD Informed with its practical, in-depth, real world approach to human design education and training. 

To my knowledge, I am the only person who is approaching human design the way that I do. If you want to create a blue ocean in your industry, differentiate yourself in your area of expertise and support your clients in getting more consistent results I invite you to join me in this cohort of HD Wild which is now enrolling.

HD Wild Human Design Training program runs two times a year and is enrolling now through September 30th of 2024. The next cohort will begin late Janauary of 2025. If you want to learn more check out the open house on the program or if you are ready to dive in you can enroll here.


The Splenic Center in Human Design

Living Your Human Design Types

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.