Human Design Marketing By Type

Let’s dive into marketing in business with human design through the lens of the human design type. 

No one knows your ideal client better than you…. 

Earlier this week, I was teaching a traffic and marketing class to my HD Wild community. One of the most common tasks entrepreneurs want to delegate is their marketing and social media. Yet, this is the literal connection they have to the people coming into their business. Why, then, is the first task we want to offload? 
I believe most entrepreneurs want to delegate this first because they associate marketing with selling. Marketing has gotten a bad rap. It can be: 
hard to do it with integrity
complex and overwhelming
Changing constantly
“hard” to get results
uncomfortable to seen
A challenge to get momentum
like yelling into a black hole. 
Overwhelming, frustrating, & tedious
However, I would contend that we are focusing on the wrong marketing and traffic efforts. So much of marketing in this era is focused on social media. Social media is a short-term traffic strategy. The vast majority of social media posts have a short life span of hours and maybe days and are contingent upon pleasing the algorithm. 
Social media is: 
A quick hit
Implementation matters, and not all implementation is created equal
unpredictable and unstable
At the mercy of the algorithm
Interruption – look at me, grab their attention marketing
Primarily focused on bringing new people into your business ecosystem
A never-ending hamster wheel that you have to keep up with
Subject to change without notice
Is weather dependent – meaning the weather of your client in the client journey & the actual weather
Waxes and Wanes with the season
Adverse to promoting any content that drives traffic away from the platform or promotes selling. 
Yet, this is where most entrepreneurs and business owners spend their resources, time, money, energy, and efforts on a platform that doesn’t pay them dividends over time, which requires them to be consistent and conform to the algo in order to see any sort of result.
All of this is why most entrepreneurs want to delegate the marketing treadmill. It is not sustainable. It is not regenerative. And it certainly doesn’t pay dividends over time. 
It is a rat race that entrepreneurs will never win and must endlessly keep up with. 
We must reframe and reclaim our relationship with marketing by focusing on the efforts that actually produce sustainable and regenerative results over time. 
We must spend time on marketing and traffic efforts that actually have the biggest impact, produce results while you sleep, and pay you dividends over time. 
We must look at marketing through the lens of our connection with our potential clients instead of another chore in our business. 
The reality is we CAN do most of our marketing and traffic based around the whole of human design with the caveat that you may want to delegate some of the implementation over time. 
No one knows your ideal client better than you do. 

Human Design for Marketing By Type

Here is a bit about marketing through the lens of each type:

 Human Design Marketing By Type – Projector

Projector Marketing is potent, high-quality and educates. It embraces the mantra, “I’m going to buy one Birken bag not fifteen of these cheap ones.” This quality content forms a body of work that allows the projector to be seen in spite of how often they might post which results in recognition and initiations.

As a projector it is wise to…

  • Selectively pick and choose where, when and how you show up as your energy allows
  • Remember you don’t need an invitation to share the depth of wisdom that lies with in you, Allow yourself to be seen and let the projector magic happen.
  • Use your posts to share knowledge about the things your are studying and your areas of interest

Human Design Marketing By Type – Manifestor

Manifestor Marketing is poignant, catalytic and triggers a response in its community. It questions challenges and provokes. It is provocative It comes in bursts and spurts and that’s ok because it can be too hot to handle for some.

As a manifestor it is wise to…

  • Pick a platform and own it
  • Post and Ghost – you aren’t here to get caught in the muck.
  • Forgive yourself for trying to keep up with the consistent non-stop social media treadmill.
  • Find a community who understands you work best in bursts – working and posting consistent for periods and then radio silence for others.

 Human Design Marketing By Type – Generator

Generator Marketing is relational and knowing. It is optimally created in response to questions from the community. The question from the community prompts a response from the generator. Generator marketing offers up depth and knowing. It provides understanding and it gets the person thinking, “I feel seen by ____.”

As a generator it is wise to…

  • Write down questions clients ask and use tools to actively answer/ respond to questions your community is seeking
  • Forgive yourself for not knowing what to talk about or post
  • Regularly do AMA to provide you with a plethora of content to respond to

 Human Design Marketing By Type – Reflector

Reflector Marketing inspires the wonder and awe within us all. It shares the dichotomy and duality of the human experience and cultivates a community of people. It holds hope for humanity to reach their highest potential and there is a oneness with nature about it.

As a reflector it is wise to…

  • Consider a private instagram or facebook group where you can be selective about who you allow in / out.
  • Forgive yourself for trying to show up the same every day – you aren’t here to be the same person every day.
  • Embrace the wonder of who might show up today with your chameleon like personality and create from the space of who you are now, not who you were or who you will be.

 Human Design Marketing By Type – Manifesting Generator

Manifesting Generator Marketing throws out all the rules about how marketing is supposed to be done. It is empowered, inspired and authentic when and only when the MG feels safe to express the full nature of their multi-passionate ways. It is often best expressed in curated communities that allow the MG to be vulnerable and work their magic.

As a manifesting generator it is wise to…

  • Find groups where you can show up (& potentially get paid) be a guide, coach or guru and share your empowered MG Ways.
  • Say yes to places where you feel reaaly good about being yourself & passions & don’t have to settle for less
  • Forgive yourself for not being able to show up consistently & embrace the fact that consistent, daily traditional marketing isn’t for you.

 Human Design Marketing 

Human Marketing acknowledges that marketing is not who we are, it is how we present our business to the world. It is one sliver of our lives and does not represent the nuance, depth, and individuality that is in our soul. It is imperfect at time, messy, and inconsistent. Human marketing feels really good and expresses who we are without forcing us to be something we aren’t.

As a human it is wise to…

  • Create macro marketing assets from your body of work that pay you dividends in your sleep
  • Say no to any marketing that makes you feel shame, FOMO, Should’s or feels like it is pulling you into a trend that you know isn’t aligned
  • let go of “trying to keep up with marketing” and instead show up when and how you can in a way that is congruent to who you are and the values you have.


Feel free to let me know if yours resonates.

If you feel called to focus on building a sustainable and regenerative business using the whole of your human design, I invite you to join me in HD Your Biz or HD Wild this fall. If you want to learn more about this program join me for an HD Wild Open House

With your design in mind,


Human Design For Marketing – By Type

Swipe through the gallery to find your human design for marketing by type recomendations. As always take what resonates and leave the rest & keep in mind this is only part of the chart we look at when we consider marketing and human design by type. 

Living Your Human Design Marketing by Type

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.