Human Design Gate Strengths – Gate 40 – The Gate of Aloneness – Deliverance

Let’s dive into Human Design Gate 40 – The Gate of Aloneness. Human Design Gate 40 is the need for both the resources and the time to rest in order to get to the top of the mountain. This energy operates so differently than the other motors in the chart. Think of it this way, when you turn on the sacral it is on for life. When you trun on the solar plexus you operate on a wave indefinitely. When you have a defined root, pressure is every present. All life long. This is not how the ego center operates.

It is here in gate 40 we have the energy of the breadwinner. When this energy delivers, the resources are brought home so that everyone can eat. This is the expression of the power of the ego. This energy does not operate in a fixed pattern

These are people who when they are restored, renewed and replenished have more inner and outer resources to give to the community. This is the gate of the breadwinner so these are people who are here to provide but they can provide ONLY if they are resourced and prioritize their own self-care first.

At its optimal expression these are people who put themselves and their need to balance work and alone time in order to live out the highest expression of this gate. These are people who have an inherit need to spend time alone caring for themselves to be the best version of themselves. The amount that they are aligned to this energy is in direct correlation to the resources that they can provide to the community.

The Depths of Gate 40 in Human Design – The Gate of Aloneness

These people in gate 40 in human design have more resources to give to the community when they are prioritizing themselves first. This energy needs balance. Time to recharge and restore so that it can provide sustainable resources to the community. This can only happen when it balance time with people and time alone.

Questions for Gate 40 The Gate of Aloneness in Human Design

  • Have I resourced myself first?
  • Have I prioritized me?
  • Do I feel renewed before I commit?

Want to dive deeper into Gate 40 – The Gate of the Aloneness?

Delve into the Gates in Human Design with Human Design Gate Strengths

If you like this content I invite you to order your copy of Human Design Gate Stregnths. This is just a taste of the content that is available inside of the book.

Along with the gate strengths bonus masterclass for added depth and nuance.

Living Your Human Design Marketing by Type

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.