Human Design Gate 46 – The Gate of Determination – Pushing Upward

Let’s dive into Human Design Gate 46 – The Gate of Determination. It is in gate 46 in human design we come to the body and the nature of love. It is in this gate where we find the love of one’s own body, our temples. We often think of love as romantic relationships and hugging and kissing others, but the reality is love first begins with us. It starts with us loving our own form. It is in this gate where we accept the true nature of who we are and what we see, and we love our own beauty. This is not the potential of what our bodies or beauty could be, it is the acceptance and love of what is.

It is only when you begin to love the vessel that you actually put the aura of love out into the world. This is about living out the nature of your essence. This is about being and accepting yourself for who you are. This is what actually creates love in this world.

It is at this gate 46 in human design that we make the commitment and put in the effort to maintain the body. This energy is about the dedication to the body, and if we are, we are simultaneously dedicated to life. This is what the experiential stream of the abstract is concerned with. It is important to remember that this is all about having the experience be the primary focus. It is only at the end of an experience that you have the ability to reflect on what was in order to grow.

The Depths of Gate 46 in Human Design – The Gate of Determination

It is important to understand that the very nature of this channel and gate is about succeeding where other people may fail. Or conversely, failing where other people succeed. This energy is about making sense of the experience of being. It is in Gate 29 that we say yes to life, and in Gate 46 that we accept life in the body, in the now, as it is, and wait for the rewards. 

Questions for Gate Gate 46 – The Gate of Determination in Human Design

  • Am I trying to force an outcome or look for good things in life?
  • How am I being in the moment of an experience?
  • What part of my body do I love the most/least, and why?
  • What am I dedicated to that brings me joy?
  • Are you being yourself?

Want to dive deeper into Gate 46 – The Gate of Determination?

Delve into the Gates in Human Design with Human Design Gate Strengths

If you like this content I invite you to order your copy of Human Design Gate Stregnths. This is just a taste of the content that is available inside of the book.

Along with the gate strengths bonus masterclass for added depth and nuance.

Living Your Human Design Marketing by Type

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.