Human Design Gate 50 – The Gate of Values – The Cauldron

It is here in gate 50 in human design we have the root of all awareness. Like its programming partner, the six is where the root of all emotional waves comes from. In gate 50, we have all six awareness streams rooted here. Gate 50 in human design fuses all of the streams that move through the splenic center – the stream of taste, the collective logical process, the stream of intuition, the individual process, and the stream of instinct, the tribal process. Each of these streams is rooted in the 50, which creates an awareness frequency. 

It is here in gate 50 in human design where values are coalesced in a melting pot, aka the cauldron, which is a melting pot of possibilities. It is here in gate 50 we have the potential to be responsible or not. Every gate in the splenic system has a fear associated with it, and the heart of all awareness is responsibility. The potential is to be responsible or not. The awareness potential of values.

Fundamentally, this is where the law of the community is established because its laws are rooted in awareness. It is at this gate where the frequency of our communities comes together. It is this frequency that creates the world we live, the lives we share, and the way that we share those lives. 

The Depths of Gate 50 in Human Design – The Gate of Values

In the I’ching, this is known as the cauldron. The vessel which provides nourishment for everyone at the table. It is the instinctive fuel that feeds the fire or the spirit. It is important to note that the preparation that takes place inside the cauldron is a sacred process. It is the alchemy that gives something the fuel to transcend. This is not only the transformation of matter but also the transcendence of spirit, emotional spirit, or mental consciousness. 

This is the gate of the embodiment of the cook or the alchemist who knows how to bring together and attend to all of the ingredients in order to develop something delicious. Similar to the mother who knows how to provide the right lessons, truths, and skills to balance the development process of a child. Both of these energies emerge from his gate.

Questions for Gate 50 The Gate of Values in Human Design

  • Do you have a clear sense of your values?
  • Are you synthesizing your own values?
  • Which values are a non-negotiable for you?
  • How do you work with the guilt that you feel?
  • What guilt do you need to let go of?
  • Are you feeling guilty or free?
  • Do you feel like you are failing others?

Want to dive deeper into Gate 50 – The Gate of Values?

Delve into the Gates in Human Design with Human Design Gate Strengths

If you like this content I invite you to order your copy of Human Design Gate Stregnths. This is just a taste of the content that is available inside of the book.

Along with the gate strengths bonus masterclass for added depth and nuance.

Living Your Human Design Marketing by Type

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.