Discover your marketing ethos with Human Design Color & Variables

When it comes to markting yourself in congruence with your human design one of the aspects of the chart I leverage is the human design color and variable levels. This is especially helpful in building a business around your human design as it gives you a framework or filter to run your marketing efforts through to discern if they are aligned to who you are.

One of the aspects of the human design Chart I look at in the HD Your Biz program is the variables and color level. For me, this color level of the chart gives a container with which you can hold the rest of the design for purposes of marketing. The four colors of determination/digestion, environment, perspective/view, & motivation provide the framework to begin to build the marketing ecosystem and support us in holding the rest of the design together when it comes to marketing. 

In this series I am going to give you a snippet of how I do this inside the HD Your Biz program through the color level. Please note this is only one piece! I also look at the type, profile, business model, centers, gates, and lifestyle and a few other lesser known aspects of the chart.

Discover Your Marketing in Color Palette

Download the ethos of your marketing in color palette by downloading your human design chart with the marketing in color variables.

Human Design Marketing in Color – The Determination Digestion Variable

When we think about determination/digestion color level, this tells us how we, the person who is holding space for clients, need to take in information from them and how they need to show up in marketing so that they don’t 1) activate their nervous system to the transference of their determination 2) creating the ethos of what it will be like to come into my ecosystem or world.

In marketing and business this is something we need to prioritize because if we want to actually receive what the client has to say we must start by setting ourselves up for success with receiving that information and that starts with marketing.

Determination in human design colors tells us how we are here to take in the world around us. How we digest not only food but information we consume and from others. 

From my experience this also applies to how we bring information into this world as well in this example marketing.

It is important to note that detmerination exist in transference aka the not self. 

Appetite => Touch

Taste => Sound

Thirst => Light

Touch => Appetite

Sound => Taste

Light => Thrist

When I look at the determination level of someone’s chart this is a foundational piece of building their marketing ecosystem. 

If you don’t know what the determination level of your chart is you can find this information by downloading a chart from my website. For determination you would look at the large number on the top left hand side of the chart.

Human Design Marketing in Color –

Determination & Digestion Variable

Discover Your Marketing in Color Palette

Download the ethos of your marketing in color palette by downloading your human design chart with the marketing in color variables.

Human Design Marketing in Color – The Envirornement  Variable

Now let’s look at environment variable in human design through the lens of marketing in color. Environment in human design tells us the environment our body can feel safe and thrive in. It is the environment with which we can better honor our strategy and authority as well as the space we need to hold in our containers.  Environment is a critical component to living life by design.

It is important to note that our environment can transfers aka be in the not self or as I like to say the nervous system is activated and we are out of our comfort and growth zones. When we are in transference we are often in a fight, flight, fawn, flop, or functional freeze state. When this happens we will often unconsciously put ourselves into our transferred environment.

Caves => Mountains
Markets => Valleys
Kitchens => Shores
Mountains => Caves
Valleys => Markets
Shores => Kitchens

When we are in transference especially in business we won’t be attracting our ideal clients and this becomes especially prevalent in our marketing efforts as well. When we market from a place of transference we are marketing from an activated state. This has a ripple effect in our business because we then pull in clients who are not ideal, then we often become frustrated in our business containers and on and one it goes.

Let me know what your environment is and if it resonates with you.

If you don’t know what the environment level of your chart is you can find this information by downloading a chart from my website. For environment you would look at the large number on the bottom left hand side of the chart

Human Design Marketing in Color –

Environment Variable

Human Design Marketing in Color – The Perspective / View Variable

Perspective in human design variable (also known as view) informs us of the lens through which we view life. I like to think of view in human design color as the glasses we wear when we look out at the world around us – this informs what we see. When I teach this in HD Wild, I often use the example of a car accident as a teaching perspective. Each of the six perspectives will see something ever so slightly different based on what view they have, plus the rest of the pieces of the chart. 

In marketing, I think of this as we look out at our industry and gives texture to what we see and what differentiates us from the other people who do what we do. For example, I have 4th color need perspective so I am constantly looking out at my industry and seeing what is missing, needed, necessary and the community is asking for. You can observe this in my marketing ecosystem and approach. 

Perspective gives texture to the bias that we bring to the table because it influences how we look at the world around us. It gives nuance to what we notice in the world around us (or not). It supports the unique view or the lens with which we view the world. In business this is a key component in bringing forth in our marketing message. 

It is important to note that our perspective can transfer, aka be in the not-self or, as I like to say, the nervous system is activated, and we are out of our comfort and growth zones. When we are in transference we are often in a fight, flight, fawn, flop, or functional freeze state. When this happens, we will often view the world through our transferred perspective in business. This can lead us down paths that are not correct nor ideal for us. 

Survival => Need
Possibilities => Probability
Power => Personal
Need => Survival
Probability => Possibilities
Personal => Power

If you don’t know what the perspective level of your chart is you can find this information by downloading a chart from my website. For perspective you would look at the large number on the bottom right hand side of the chart. 

Human Design Marketing in Color –

Perspective & View Variable

Discover Your Marketing in Color Palette

Download the ethos of your marketing in color palette by downloading your human design chart with the marketing in color variables.

The Human Design Color & Variable – Motviation

Marketing with the variables & color of motivation – The last of the four colors in human design is Motivation. When it comes to Motivation which is one of the four vairablies, I don’t like the term here…I prefer to think of Motivation as texturing our words and conceptualizing our thoughts. It is an expression of what we perceive that differentiates us. Many people talk about this as how we make sense of the information we take in through our perspective and in our Motivation; we contextualize it.  For me, this is a bias we bring to every encounter or experience we have in the world. Our perspective/view and motivation flavors what we extract from any experience with the world around us.

For example, if you have seen the movie Inside Out – someone with need perspective and desire motivation might extract that something was missing from the moving and that they would have enjoyed it more if xyz was included vs., someone with survival perspective and guilt motivation may have noticed that fear didn’t play a big role in the movie and that Riley probably wouldn’t have run away if xyz happened. Our Motivation and perspective are linked and they influence what we extract from encounters in our lives.

In business, I always read and hear Motivation + perspective in people’s offers, marketing, and sales pages. This is something you can witness if you look around. Now, there is no guarantee that the person whose stuff you are reading is congruent to their Motivation. They may, in fact, be in transference, but you can observe this in the world around you because Motivation flavors our words and gives texture to how we express ourselves in business and in life.

It is important to note that our Motivation can transfer, aka be in the not-self or, as I like to say, the nervous system is activated, and we are out of our comfort and growth zones. When we are in transference, we are often in a fight, flight, fawn, flop, or functional freeze state. When this happens, we will often view the world through our transferred Motivation in business. This can lead us down paths that are not correct nor ideal for us.

Fear => Need
Hope => Guilt
Desire => Innocence
Need => Fear
Guilt => Hope
Innocence => Desire

Let me know what your environment is and if it resonates with you.

If you would like to dig deeper into this information, business a business strategy, market & sell aligned to your design I invite you to join me in the HD Your Program beginning September 16. hd your biz (dot) com

If you don’t know what the motivation level of your chart is you can find this information by downloading a chart from my website. For motivation you would look at the large number on the top right hand side of the chart.



Human Design Marketing in Color –

Perspective & View Variable