Understanding Your Human Design Profile for Business and Marketing
In human design, the profile gives insights into the personality you present to the business world which supports in understanding how to effectively market yourself in business.. In business, the human design profile can be used to influence how you communicate with those around you, the lens which you view the world, and the qualities you bring to the table that differentiate you from others.
Clients have been using this language to communicate more effectively with prospects, existing clients, and teams.
There are 12 different profiles in Human Design, which are comprised of 6 different combinations of the six lines. The combination of the lines that make up our profile color who we are. If you still need to get your human design chart, you can download it here.
With each profile there are two different numbers, for example 3/5. The 6 lines (1 through 6) in human design make up the 12 different profiles. The profile can be thought of as a lighthouse and the light you shine into the world to call people into your business ecosystem.
In business, you can look at your profile to provide insights into how you can speak, write and communicate your personality with others. Your profile has a language to it that you can use to attract people into your world, market yourself, sell, speak with clients, and create the foundation for your brand, offers and copywriting.
Of course, please keep in mind that this is one piece of the human design chart to discover the language you use but this is a very powerful piece of information to look at and this information is through the lens of business and entrepreneurship.
Human Design Profile For Business and Marketing
If you have your profile look at the business language below by looking at the two lines. You can use these prompts to better understand yourself, how you need to communicate in selling, marketing and in business.
Human Design Line 1 Researcher – Investigator
- I go deep and am a niched expert
- I know the ins and outs of ________
- I am not a jack of all trades
- I am the subject matter expert and if you want the 411 on x I am your gal.
- I see things in black and white because I have done my homework
- I support you in building a foundation of knowledge
- My process is in an internal one but that means I am the authority on…
- My work will give you confidence/safety/security
- I’d always rather have too much information than not enough
Human Design Profile Line 1 can communicate the research, details, and foundation that they have spent time investigating. In human design, especially in business Line 1 is often a subject matter expert with a depth of knowledge. Line 1 can communicate their findings from the in-depth investigation they have done to create a better foundation. Line 1 is an authority whose expertise supports finding the holes in any business foundation. Ask Line 1: what is missing in this foundation to support better what’s next in the business?
Human Design Line 2 Introvert – Hermit
- I am selective in who comes into my world
- I am not here to explain my process but I can get you an aha/transformation.
- My work is often done in the short term and sparks transformation
- I am not for you if you want me to hold your hand and explain all the steps along the way
- I am for you if you simply want an aha without needing all the steps
- My work will support you in feeling more nourished
- I have my own process for doing things that I can’t always explain but it gets results/transformation / change
Human Design Profile Line 2 can communicate the transformation the business needs to go through to get to the next level. In human design, especially in business Line 2, particularly in the workspace, can support their co-workers and colleagues on how to take their role to the next level. Line 2 communicates the evolutions and aha that the team (or business) needs to expand. Line 2 is a catalyst for transformation whose stories and experience support business growth. Ask Line 2 what needs to happen to create growth.
Human Design Line 3 Experimenter – Martyr
- I experiment
- I have tried a lot and will save you lots of trial and error
- I’ve been there done that got the t-shirt and have some wisdom as a result.
- I see what is not working faster than other people and therefore…
- I’m not great at sticking to a plan if I know it won’t work.
- I am great at seeing there are multiple ways to get to the same place and discerning which one might be best for you
- I have built a fiercely loyal community
- I’ve learned a lot because I’ve “failed,” and those failures are a benefit to you
- I can save you time/money/resources because I see the best way for you to do something / take action
Human Design Profile Line 3 can communicate the fastest way to move from point 1 to point b because they have been there and done that. In human design, especially in business Line 3 is brilliant at discerning who is optimal for each organizational role. Line 3 is often a strategist who can point out the pitfalls, challenges, and people needed to achieve the goal. Ask Line 3: what is missing in this plan that might need attention?
Human Design Line 4 Mayor – Opportunist
- I am here to listen to you
- I influence my people because I know their needs and can create a movement
- I have strong beliefs and values, and they cannot be shaken
- I am accepting of those around me, and I expect acceptance in return.
- Those in my network benefit from the network I have cultivated
- Who do you know that…? Who do I know that…?
- I am great at bringing people together in a group.
- My network is of value to you…
- The people in my world are great benefactors of the group I’ve built
Human Design Profile Line 4 can communicate the organization’s culture, beliefs, and values to get others on board. In human design, especially in business Line 4 speaks, and people listen by sharing what foundation the business is built upon. The Line 4 is a brilliant mediator in business communication. They bring harmony to the divide. Line 4 is an influential communicator, a leader who sparks growth with followers and critical parties. Ask Line 4: what do the people need in order to get on board with the business initiatives?
Human Design Line 5 Disrupter – Heretic
- I am here to throw out the way it has always been done and show you a new way
- I am not for everyone
- If you are tired of doing it the way it has always been done, then…
- My values are ______ and they are non-negotiable
- I am not here to be everything to everyone…this is THE thing I can help you do
- I am selective in who I work with intimately
- I will help you in upleveling, elevating, changing the way you see____________.
- If you’ve been stuck and tried everything then maybe its time to consider…
- My way of doing things may see like they are before my time but I am here to disrupt the way it has been done and show you a better way.
Human Design Profile Line 5 can communicate what needs to be changed once a business has become stagnant. In human design, especially in business Line 5 communicates the way forward in crisis and when the way things have been done is no longer working. The Line 5 approach may be before its time. Line 5 is an innovator who can drive the business forward into the future. Ask Line 5: How is the company going to survive this crisis?
Human Design Line 6 Mentor – Role Model
- I am here to be of council when you have a big decision to make
- I see things from a different perspective
- I have a depth of knowledge/wisdom that differs from most others.
- If you are quietly contemplating making a big change, I can mentor you in that decision-making process.
- You can trust that when I provide you with advice, it comes from a place of knowing and certainty
- I observe what is happening in the market and then provide counsel
- I lead by leading
- I am not for you if you want someone to lock arms with and support you in every little detail
- I am here to support you with big-picture thinking
Human Design Profile Line 6 can communicate the most objectively of all of the lines. In human design, especially in business Line 6 is masterful at seeing all sides of the story to weigh out the best option. The Line 6 communicates options in the midst of change. In communicating, they have the ability to put themselves into the experiences of others to better understand their perspective. Line 6 is a brilliant mediator. Line 6 is here for the council to leverage their hawk-eye perspective to bring fresh perspectives. Ask Line 6 how this can be resolved so all parties involved feel seen.
There are many ways you can leverage the language of your human design profile in business and marketing, but feel free to use these as prompts to support you in marketing, selling and designing offers in business. Profile is a powerful way to attract your ideal clients to you in business.
HD Your Biz® – The Catalyst Report – Your individualized guide to building a business around your design
This customized to you report human design for business report is designed to support you in building a business at the intersection of your design, desires, and lifestyle. Integrate, Implement, and Embody your design in your business.
Most human design for business people want you to fit your human design into your business. I say that is more of the same homogenized approach to business. Instead, we must build a business at the intersection of your design, desires, and lifestyle. In order to live life in HD, we must build a business around your design.
Stop trying to shrink yourself into a business that isn’t working for you. Stop saying yes to the should’s and instead build a business that is tailoredto you. It is differentiated because of you.

Explore Your Human Design For Business Profile
The Complete Collection of the 12 profiles in human design. Dive into the fundamentals of each profile. Please note when I teach this in my HD Wild Program we spend at least 1 week on each profile. These blogs are meant to provide a basic understanding of the profiles.
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