Understanding Human Design Type & Strategy Training Wheels
Moving From Human Design Knowledge to Human Design Embodiment
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE human design, AND I believe some of the traditional approaches to HD CAN keep us stuck in our heads or, as I like to stay with our training wheels still on our bike. Training wheels are incredibly helpful when it comes to learning how to ride a bike, AND eventually, they limit our bike riding skills.
Particularly when it comes to our strategy, there are so many people who are thinking their way through their strategy and authority. While learning and knowing your strategy is incredibly helpful at the beginning of the journey. You have to make the leap from knowing what your strategy is and thinking about it to embodying it. When we embody something, it is integrated into our being. We can feel it or experience it as a felt sense in our body. There is a quiet inner knowing or trust that comes with embodiment.
Human Design Type & Strategy Training Wheel Examples
For example, as a projector myself, I can feel in my programs when someone has retracted their recognition from me for whatever reason, often as a 5th-line second projection or potentially because they are just tired today and aren’t in the mood to be vulnerable with my projector all-seeing aura.
In the past, I didn’t have a framework or words for that feeling, so I would give more advice and guidance to that person trying to help them, which usually led to turbulence in the relationship because I was dolling out advice with no recognition.
Now, because I can feel they have closed off, I will often put my coaching hat on and ask questions instead of giving out my precious projector energy. While this is a subtle difference, I have usually found that this approach holds space for that recognition to return. It doesn’t force or push my guidance onto the other when they aren’t open to receiving it. As a projector, this also doesn’t leave me bitter, resentful, or exhausted.
Another example that I often witness with my Manifesting Generator clients is that they will often be so excited to jump in and experience all that life has to offer that they say yes to everything. They commit and respond to everything as a yes and wholeheartedly jump into the deep end of the pool. Then they realize, “Oh no! I shouldn’t have done this. I don’t like this. This isn’t what I thought It was going to be. Now I have to backtrack, and people are going to think I am flakey.”
From my experience, most MGs end up so busy saying yes to everything that they miss the timing of their life. Many of them, from an early age, are taught to initiate, and they go through life pushing, proving, and making things happen. One of the most brilliant aspects of MG Life is that when they honor their responses and the power of pause, magic happens for them.
In order for that magic to emerge, they have to get into the present, they must get embodied, and they must notice when their aura goes from generating (60-70%) to manifesting (30-40) of the time. This is often paired with what I call a Freedom Cycle. Similar to a manifestor rest cycle, the MG wants freedom from the demands of life to simply do their own thing for a period of time, after a period of magic and before their aura goes back to its standard operating system of generating. But none of this can occur if the MG is so busy being busy, saying yes to everything instead of pausing before entering into things.
Let me know if your type resonates with you.
Living Your Human Design by Type
It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type.
If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.
- The Do’s And Don’t of Marketing By Type Featured Article on Entrepreneur.com
- My Journey With Human Design
- The 1/3 Profile In Human Design
- Introduction to Profiles in Human Design
- Human Design Projector
- Human Design Manifesting Generator
- Human Design Generator
- Human Design Manifestor
- Human Design Reflector
- Authority in Human Design
- Human Design For Business
- The Voices of the Throat Center – Marketing for Human Design
- HD Your Biz Podcast
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