In this episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast, host Jamie Palmer shares five invaluable tips for navigating business growth during turbulent times, all while keeping your unique human design in mind. With over 22 years of experience in the business world, Jamie delves into the importance of staying calm, making informed decisions, and leveraging long-term strategies. She discusses the global shift from the cross of planning to the cross of the sleeping phoenix and how this impacts business dynamics. Jamie also highlights the significance of understanding what you can control, identifying opportunities in the chaos, and letting go of rigid expectations. Tune in to discover how to double down on your strengths, regulate your nervous system, and be a beacon of hope in challenging times. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this episode offers practical advice and inspiration to help you thrive in any economic climate.
- Navigating Business Growth: Tips for handling business growth during turbulent times, including staying calm, making informed decisions, and focusing on long-term strategies. [04:58]
- Global Incarnation Cross Shift: The shift from the cross of planning to the cross of the sleeping phoenix and its implications.
- Control and Influence: Understanding what aspects of business and life one can control, influence, and what is out of control.
- Opportunities in Turbulent Times: Identifying opportunities in connection, community, transformation, and technology.
- HD Biz Catalyst Experience: Introduction of the HD Biz Catalyst experience and the HD Biz Bot synergy. [08:47]
- Letting Go of Expectations: The importance of flexibility and being willing to pivot in business plans.
- Doubling Down on Strengths: Focusing on strengths and defined centers during challenging times. [17:50]
- Being a Beacon of Hope: Embracing abundance thinking and holding space for hope during difficult times. [19:16]
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview
- Summary: Jamie Palmer introduces the podcast and the topic of navigating business growth during turbulent times, emphasizing the importance of human design. [00:02]
- Timestamps: 00:02 – 02:30
Chapter 2: Understanding the Global Context
- Summary: Jamie discusses the global changes and the shift from the cross of planning to the cross of the sleeping phoenix, explaining its impact on business and individual empowerment. [00:51]
- Timestamps: 02:31 – 06:00
Chapter 3: The Importance of Control
- Summary: Jamie emphasizes the importance of understanding what you can control, influence, and what is out of your control, and how this understanding can help in business growth.
- Timestamps: 06:01 – 10:30
Chapter 4: Identifying Opportunities
- Summary: Jamie talks about finding opportunities in turbulent times, focusing on areas like community, transformation, and technology, particularly AI.
- Timestamps: 10:31 – 18:00
Chapter 5: Letting Go of Expectations
- Summary: Jamie advises on the importance of flexibility, letting go of expectations, and being willing to pivot in business strategies during challenging times. [14:51]
- Timestamps: 18:01 – 24:00
Chapter 6: Doubling Down on Strengths
- Summary: Jamie discusses the importance of focusing on strengths and defined centers in human design, rather than trying to decondition undefined centers during turbulent times. [17:48]
- Timestamps: 24:01 – 28:00
Chapter 7: Being a Beacon of Hope
- Summary: Jamie encourages listeners to be a source of hope and positivity, holding space for abundance thinking and navigating through the dark night of the soul. [18:42]
- Timestamps: 28:01 – 32:00
Chapter 8: Conclusion and Call to Action
- Summary: Jamie concludes the podcast by encouraging listeners to stay true to themselves and their design, and provides information on how to work with her.
- Timestamps: 32:01 – 34:00
Show Notes
Episode Summary
In this episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast, host Jamie Palmer discusses five essential tips for navigating business growth during turbulent times, with a focus on leveraging human design. [00:02] Jamie emphasizes the importance of staying calm, making informed decisions, and avoiding rash actions. [02:40] She highlights the significance of understanding what you can control, influence, and what is out of your control. [04:19] Jamie also explores the opportunities that arise during challenging times, such as the importance of community, the potential of AI and tech, and the growing interest in health and wellness among younger generations. She advises listeners to let go of rigid expectations, be flexible, and double down on their strengths and self-care. [17:50] Jamie concludes by encouraging listeners to be a beacon of hope and to embrace their authentic selves. [18:22]
Related Links
- Catalyst report:
- HB Your Biz Catalyst experience:
- Human Design for Business Book
- HD Gate Strengths Book
- Ideal Client Workshop LIVE
- HD Wild – Human Design Training Program
- Download Your Chart
Jamie Palmer (00:02):
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the HD Your Biz Podcast. I am your host, Jamie Palmer, and today we are going to be talking about five tips for navigating business growth during turbulent times with your design in mind. So I think it’s really important to name that I’ve been in business for almost 22 years now, and I have navigated lots of crazy change in the world in my own business, and we are living in turbulent times, let’s just call it what it is, right? The global collective waters are choppy and a big part of that if you are into human design, you may or may not know that our global incarnation cross is changing from that of the cross of planning to the cross of the sleeping phoenix, which I’ll talk about more. But think about it as the cross of the sleeping Phoenix is here to set up systems that work for everyone. And the cross of the sleeping Phoenix is all about, in my opinion, in a very distilled down manner, my individual way of doing things, right? It’s not about the system, it’s about being empowered as an individual. And when you think about that in context to what’s happening globally, it makes a lot of sense. And like I said, I’ll do a podcast on that in the coming months about that change. But really I want to stay focused on how can we continue to get business growth during turbulent times?
For me, I truly believe there is often great opportunity when there are globally choppy waters to handle and to navigate. And as a three five, I’m like, huh, this is my time. Let me step up and support people because I don’t know, just for me, like I said, I see great opportunity, but the reality is we cannot panic during times like this. We have to remain calm and grounded. We cannot make rash decisions. We have to make informed decisions with our strategy and authority in mind. We cannot trend hop or think short term. We really have to embrace more longer term thinking. We have to double down on what’s working for ourself and what’s proven in our business, and then also be thinking about how can I incorporate what’s next? And I think this is a time that it’s really easy to be on focus, but we have to almost be hyper-focused during those times or times like these.
And we cannot let our emotions run the show. Instead, we have to process our emotions, and we cannot let the global narrative control us. For me, I’m a big fan of taking all sides in of the global narrative, and I think we have to put down doom scrolling and be really mindful of what we consume. And so when we think about this, I want you to think about the first tip as understanding what you can control. And when we think about leveraging our designs and we think about building a life in biz, at the intersection of our design, our desires, and our lifestyle, we have to remember what we are responsible for and what we can actually control. And I kind of think about it like three buckets. There’s what we can control, there’s what we can influence, and then there’s out of our control, we can control our reactions, our emotions, our response. We can control what we can consume. We can control what we hold space for or not. We can control our actions and our focus. We can control our boundaries. We can control caring for ourselves, we can influence what’s happening around us, the key parties.
We can influence our business growth by still continuing to show up during these times. There’s lots that we can influence. And then there’s stuff that’s completely out of our control. We cannot control what the media is saying. We cannot control the actions of others. We cannot control the stock market. We cannot control egg prices, but we can take responsibility and control over our reactions to those things. And so I really want you to take inventory of what you can control, what you can influence, and what’s out of your control. And if it’s supportive to you, write down, make a list of each one of those things and really leverage that to your advantage because it’s really easy for our nervous systems to get very dysregulated during times like this and have a hypo or hyperactive response, which then often leads us to making rash decisions in our businesses or reactive decisions that just ultimately don’t serve us longer term.
Okay? The next thing I want you to thinking about, what is the opportunity here in these turbulent times? What do you look out at the industry or the collective and say, oh, this isn’t working for people anymore, and how can I incorporate some of that in my business? What might I need to change, adjust, or modify in my business approach? What’s going extinct and what’s coming for me? I’m seeing tons of opportunity in good old fashioned connection in community, and I know that that sounds crazy, but collectively, we have more information at our fingertips than any other generation prior. And if I have learned anything in the last six years of studying human design in the last four and a half years in supporting people with their human design, it is that knowledge does not equal embodiment, integration and becoming. So yes, we have more knowledge that is available at our fingertips than any other generation before us.
And just because we have knowledge doesn’t mean we integrate, embody, transform, evolve, and become are able to leverage that, right? Knowledge doesn’t equal mastery and experience. And so that’s another place where I’m seeing lots of opportunity certifications in areas where you are an expert, like my HD wild program, which is really about taking human design knowledge and embodying it and becoming it that no body become process, but also making it practical and applicable for people to use. I also see a lot of opportunity in transformation like holding space for people to transform because great, we have all this knowledge, but what are we going to do with that knowledge now that we have it right? And then obviously I’m seeing lots of opportunity in tech with ai. One of the things that I’m actually doing inside the HD biz, the Catalyst experience, which you may or may not have heard, and again, I haven’t podcasted in a minute, so I’ll give an update podcast in the coming weeks, but I just thought this was really important to put out there.
Inside the HD Biz Catalyst experience, which is the new and massage HD biz experience, we just launched the HD Biz Bot synergy. And she is, she’s not built with open AI or anything like that. She’s built on a large what’s called a large learning language model. And so she is built from my 14 iterations of running business design with human design, I’m sorry, 14 iterations of HDU biz, my several iterations of the business design with human design program, and I dunno, four or five of the ideal client workshops that I’ve run. So she’s built with all of this knowledge and the whole point of me kind of changing and transforming the HD biz experience was because I think people are tired of sitting on courses waiting for that golden nugget of knowledge. And so what I’ve done now is the whole HD biz experience is we give you a private podcast feed with all this information for yourself, we tie that to the ethos of your year, and then you have this chat bot to support you on demand, which is having access to my brain at your fingertips because trained solely with my knowledge and experience and expertise and q and as, all the things.
And then we have a q and a where you can submit questions, but you don’t have to actually be on the call. They’re all timestamped. So you can just go on and listen, and then there’s a private podcast, and that goes along with that experience. And so part of why I did that is because, oh, and there’s a community element too. We have community get togethers and there’s a growing and engaged community platform. But part of why I did that is because I think people don’t want to sit on calls for hours. They want to be able to, particularly in the human design and business space, they want to be able to take what applies to them and leverage it. And so part of that experience is synergy, right? But it’s also part deconditioning, it’s part business trends, it’s part whatever. And I really think that there’s, for those of us who have a level of experience who can hold space for transformation, there’s big opportunity for those of us who are able to play in that space because I think tools like synergy are going to become increasingly more popular.
And I also think it’s a different, I think people are tired of courses, and I think they’re tired of courses because of the lackluster info that they get in them, mostly because I would say 80% of the course world are expert marketers and crappy teachers. And so when we think about that and we think about leveraging expertise and experience, there’s some really cool ways that we can do that that doesn’t require people sitting on courses for hours. I also think certifications, mastery and licensing is going to continue to grow because in this day and age, like I said, knowledge is not going to be enough. You’re going to need experience and expertise and synthesis to actually be able to hold space for transformation. And then the other opportunity that I see is really in the health field. I was reading this article about how Gen Zs are not consuming alcohol nearly as much as the generations prior to them.
And so what I found interesting about that is they’re leaning into more health, mental, physical, spiritual energy practices. So I also think there’s massive opportunity in that space for those who are playing there. Okay, the next tip, let go of expectations when you are building a business in challenging, turbulent, choppy waters. I’m a huge fan of B, and I realize that by design, some of these things are difficult. I know if you have an undefined head or open head, it’s hard not to sit and consume for hours. But set limits, I know if you have an emotional wave, it can be hard to let go of expectations. I know that if you are a first line or a fourth line or a generator, it can be really hard to make a plan and be willing to pivot. And so I realize that some of these tips that I’m sharing are not always easy for everyone to do by design, but I also want you to know that one, come into my world, come into the catalyst experience and get support from people who can help you navigate that stuff.
Find a colleague that you can chat with, connect with others. Because here’s the other thing, when things are really polarizing, I think that people tend to be afraid to share. And the reality is we need connection more than ever during times like this. So we do not feel alone. So when we think about building a business during that time or growing a business during times like that, I really want you to think about letting go of expectations, make a plan, but also be willing to pivot, right? Flexibility is key during those times. And I realize that for some of you, if you have a defined head, if you’re a line one, if you’re a line four, that can be hard.
I realize that during this time, we need to hold the vision. But holding the vision can also be hard if you’re an mg, if you’ve got lots of left facing arrows, if you have lots of collective logical circuitry, or if you have lots of individual circuitry, I realize that some of these things are challenging. I also want you to keep in mind, make a plan, but also be willing to abandon ship, right? And I would contend these are times where we really need to double down on our design, where we need to start allowing, where we need to stop controlling or pushing or forcing, and instead allow and trust and believe. And that doesn’t mean that it’s passive, that doesn’t mean that we aren’t actually taking action, but it means that we are trusting that sacral response, that emotional neutral, that splenic nudge. I’m a huge believer.
It’s times like these where that really becomes of the utmost important. And ultimately, if we do not know what the felt sense of that is in our bodies, then we need to actually resource ourself so that we can become more regulated. Whether that’s nervous system regulation, emotional regulation, fear regulation, nervousness, regulation, anxiety, regulation. It is really important to double down on that resourcing. It’s important to double down and really lean into our designs. And I’m a big believer if you want to show up and serve and lead during these challenging times, you must above all else, probably more than you normally do, resource yourself. You need to regulate your nervous system. You need to feel safe and secure. You need to focus on your mental, spiritual, physical, energetic health. You need to close up any open loops that might be lingering. You need to make sure you’re clear on your boundaries.
You need to make sure that you aren’t emotionally sloppy or fearmongering. And so this to me is also like where do we need to prioritize ourselves? Where do we need to double down on those strengths? And I know a lot of people talk about, oh, you need to focus on your undefined centers to decondition them. I would contend it’s more important for us to double down on our strengths, our defined centers during times like this, because it is not to say that we can’t address those, but for most of us, it is easier for us to work on our strengths and to grow in our strengths than it is to mind the amplification that happens in our undefined and open centers. And so the last tip that I have for you too is really just to be the light. Be a beacon of hope, even if it’s challenging.
And look, I’m not saying you need to be fake false positive. What I’m saying is figure out what your values and beliefs are and stand for them. People need people during challenging times, and ultimately we aren’t here to go it alone. And it may feel as though we collectively are in a dark night of the soul. But I think it’s important to remember, and I’ve gone through a lot of dark nights of the soul. Last year was probably one of the hardest dark nights in the soul that I’ve ever gone through in my entire life. But when times are really challenging, I always held the belief that there was a light. And ultimately, I’m not saying or suggesting that you dismiss the reality of what’s going on, but also hold space for that hope. Because when we embrace abundance thinking during these times and when we feed into the polarity and the divide and we’re creating more lack, we’re creating more despair, we’re creating more anguish, we’re creating more negativity.
And ultimately, I believe that in order to navigate this, we need to hold space for the possibility that something better is on the other side of this, that we can have abundance in growth and change. And change is uncomfortable. Change is hard. Change makes you feel all sorts of things. And the reality is in times like when we do feel like we are in a collective dark night in the soul, which is no surprise because gate 36 is in transit until I think June, but there is no shortcut. There’s no shortcut to a dark night of the soul. And when we try to shortcut a dark night of the soul, it only makes that journey harder. And so I really you to start to lean in and embrace some of that turbulence because this is a place where we have to go through and grow through the journey.
The only way is through here. There’s no under over around quick fix. And treating the symptoms of what has gone on is no longer working. We have to get to the root and embrace it, right? And I really want you to lean into the fact and double down and trust your strategy and authority during this time. Double down on that intuitive instinctual knowing that you have because there is always a way through. Okay? So on this journey, I want you to lean in to be true to yourself, the authentic, whole ecocentric human that you are before the world told you who you should be. Because in order to navigate this new world, I really truly believe we need more people that honor the whole of who they are that honor their design. So thank you so much for tuning in. If you would like to work with me during these times, I highly encourage you to order a Catalyst report or join me inside of the HGU Biz Catalyst experience. I will put those links inside the show notes. Thank you so much for tuning in, and have a fantastic day.
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