by Jamie Palmer | Jul 15, 2021 | Implementation, IntegratED with Jamie Palmer, Marketing, Mindset, Podcast, Tactical
The vast majority of people in the online space measure success through dollars. We have all seen testimonials stating go from zero to six figures in six months or six weeks. Personally, I’ve never liked that approach, because when you look behind the scenes,...
by Jamie Palmer | Jul 1, 2021 | Implementation, IntegratED with Jamie Palmer, Marketing, Podcast, Strategy, Tactical
So, you launched your podcast now what? Lately, I have had a lot of clients come to me, asking me “Jamie, I have launched this podcast, this funnel, this website, etc., and now what do I do?” First, I would like to point out that it’s really important to understand...
by Jamie Palmer | Jun 24, 2021 | Implementation, IntegratED with Jamie Palmer, Marketing, Mindset, Podcast, Strategy
How do you create a brand for your business? Entrepreneurs active in the online world often take branding for granted and it can make me crazy at times, because online branding needs just as much attention as traditional branding. When you think about building a...
by Jamie Palmer | Jun 23, 2021 | Implementation, Marketing, Mindset, Social Media, Strategy
I’ve been a bit of a prairie dog lately…I’ve been popping my head out here and there and going back underground to hide when it comes to the online world. If you know me, you know how important consistency and practicing what I preach is to me....
by Jamie Palmer | Jun 17, 2021 | Implementation, IntegratED with Jamie Palmer, Marketing, Mindset, Podcast, Social Media, Strategy, Tactical
Delegating. It’s one of the hardest things that most entrepreneurs really struggle with and resist getting help. The end result of that struggle is that it halts and stunts their growth, and it really hinders their ability to grow their business. Self-Limiting belief...
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