Exploring the 6/2 Role Model Hermit – Mentor Introvert Profile in Human Design
The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design, the role model hermit, or as I like to say in Ecocentric human design, the mentor introvert.
A Human Design 6/2 Role Model Hermit Profile Affirmation
You are here to show the world what it means to live an embodied and authentic life. You are trustworthy, optimistic, and deep. You see possibilities and hope with your unique perspective like the hawk that soars above you, lead through counsel with your specialist expertise and are sought out for your wisdom. You lead through listening and being discerning with your words. You seek out a life with depth and meaning. You build trust in others. Slowly over time, you are recognized by the other for your gifts that you bring to the world. You are a gift to humanity with the possibilities you see in the world.
Explaining the 6/2 Role Model Hermit Profile in Human Design
Okay, so let’s dive into the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design. When we come to any sixth line profile, we have to remember that the sixth line exists in three phases. Phase one is birth to roughly 30 years, and they live life more like a third line. They’re going to bump into things and life’s going to bump into them. They’re going to learn the hard way.
Then around age 30 to 50, phase two begins. Phase two is where 6/2s build the foundation of their life. They seek out a partner, they hone and refine their expertise. They tend to establish a family and a home base around this time, and they almost withdraw. This is even more extreme in a 6/2.
The reality is part of the reason why they withdraw. Many people talk about this is being on the roof. The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design have these themes of trust or not trust, leadership or not in the sixth line. In the second line, it’s nourish or depleted, shy, withdraw, bold advance.
When we come to the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design, we have to remember six lines. I don’t believe six lines ever actually heal from the wounds of those first 30 years that they experience. It’s like a scab that never truly heals, it’s always still tender. Ultimately 6/2s need to find people that they can trust. It’s in that second phase where they cultivate and hone their inner circle.
That’s where the key relationships in their life are built upon trust. The reality is the sixth line, they’re idealists. They want to find the perfect partner. They want someone that they can relate to. They want someone that they can be proud of. Partnership for 6/2s role model hermit profile in human design can come in many different forms.I see it in the form of entrepreneurship. I see it in the form of a relationship with a life partner. 6/2s put up barriers to see who is willing to actually do the work to break them down and if the relationship is worthy.
Then we’ve got phase three and it’s around 50 that the 6/2 really starts to reengage with life. They step down from this place of observation and people call this coming off the roof. You don’t just come off the roof and stay off the roof. You go back and forth. It’s during this phase where they can step into their role model. Just because a 6/2 is the role model doesn’t mean they’re guaranteed to step into that mentor role model role.
Ideally in the high expression, this is where they are a living, breathing example of an objective observer and leader. The 6/2 is constantly being observed by the other. The 6/2 role model hermit is getting noticed and called out for their gifts because that second line is a projection field. These are people who can actually provide feedback to other people without inserting their own interest or making it about them.
They are here and they listen to other people and they see hope for humanity. They also see the despair in humanity. They see the weakness and the frailness in humanity. Ultimately these people are people who are optimistic. The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design sees the best in themselves and see the best in people around them. They want to see others bring their dreams to fruition in an on the line low expression.
The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design is uncertain. It’s got a lot of hatred, distrust, and weakness. Their experience is a lot of weaknesses. It sees how weak humanity actually is and becomes withdrawn and doesn’t actually step into that role model. The reality is, in order for a 6/2 to be aligned to their high expression, trust is a key part of their life.
They won’t ever really kick someone out of their life, but they’ll hold that person at a distance. They’ll only engage with them on social or surface level. The 6/2 is a transpersonal profile it needs others to fulfill its destiny. When the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design doesn’t trust or when they feel withdrawn, they’re going to struggle to actually live that out. They have a powerful ability to interact with the people around them when they can trust.
However, that second line doesn’t always recognize its talents. It doesn’t always know what it’s actually good at, yet people are constantly projecting on it what it is good at and what it’s talents are. It becomes incredibly important for the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design to actually be discerning about what are they actually willing to come off the roof for and go down with the people.
What happens is when they go down with the people, they risk having their wounds from those first 30 years be poked because they are tender from that and six lines just simply being six lines can trigger people. Ultimately the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design is here to be self-sufficient, to be visionary. It’s here to be optimistic. As they hone their process and start to maintain their objective perspective, if they don’t allow the fragility of the world to keep them down, they will really flourish and get their wings.
In phase two, they have baby wings. Then in phase three they really spread their wings. These are people who need to oscillate between engaging with life, coming off the roof, getting back up on the roof and going back and forth and back and forth. It’s important to understand that the words of a 6/2 carry weight, unlike other profiles, because the sixth line is almost as if they’re someone who is super human.
The reality is the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design gains wisdom through observation. Unlike the fifth line that we’ve been talking about, for 6/2s everyone they meet, everyone they encounter has the potential to be transformed by the words of that 6/2. It’s important to understand that these are people who show the rest of us how to live an embodied life.
How when we can realize our potential that’s waiting to be discovered within us, we can live life to the fullest. The magic of the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design happens when they embody their authenticity and they show up and they share their answers that they have within without the need for external validation from other people in order to transform each person with each encounter that they have.
The Challenges of the 6/2 Role Model Hermit Profile in Human Design
The challenges of the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design are many because these are people who often carry the wound from phase one with them, and it never truly heals. They’re skeptical, they’re weary, and they’re distrusting of life. When the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design comes down with the people, they do not want to be poked or prodded in their wounds.
Yet as soon as they come down and hang out with the people, they tend to get prodded because people can energetically feel there’s something different about a 6/2 role model hermit profile . They’re also a projected profile, so they’re under constant observation from the other. People are constantly looking at that 6/2 and projecting on them. Things like, “you’re so talented at this. Come help me with this thing.”
The reality is 6/2s will also often trigger other people simply by existing because the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design is the highest, almost superhuman. The fifth line is the highest universalizing power of the human experience but the sixth line is like this superhuman experience. The six line sits on the roof. The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design are people who go around sparking transformation in other people simply by existing.
Yet obviously the opposite can be true. It can also trigger people simply by existing. The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design is almost aloof to the expectations of other people. They’re aloof to the fact that I don’t get what this whole human thing’s all about. There is a tendency here to have perfectionism.
These are people who have an abundance of knowledge, often through traditional knowledge acquisition and also observation. They can’t necessarily articulate their gifts or explain their process, yet they can perfectly point out the ways and paths and ways for others to transform yet for themselves. They strive for this perfection and ultimately what happens is that leads to an action and fear.
The 6/2 Role Model Hermit Profile in Human Design in the Real World
The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design tends to realize that as they start to share things, their synthesis or their knowledge might change over time as a gain more observation. Therefore, they’re afraid that they’re going to be shamed, that what they said two years ago isn’t relevant anymore. There’s a real tension here for the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design
Ultimately we have to understand that in order for the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design to live out their expression, there’s no bypassing the projection field for other people. They really have to learn to trust in the unknown. In order for the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design to endure, and on the other side, they have to be discerning in who they trust.
They have to learn to embody and integrate the knowledge and the wisdom and the observations, and they have to really honor the divine timing of life. There’s a tendency here for them to compare their journey to other people.But the 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design journey is not like any of the other profiles. This comparisonitis can leave them withdrawn and questioning their gifts. Because they see things from a different perspective, they’re often more aware of things that are happening than other people.
The 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design tend to be met with resistance when they share their vision, and then they’ll start to question their gifts as a result. This leads to judgment, which leads to inaction. It’s important to understand that this profile needs time alone in order to cultivate their gifts and become who they’re meant to be. They have a big purpose here in this world.
If you are a 6/2 role model hermit profile in human design, it’s important for you to understand that this is just part of the process.
Questions that you can ask the 6/2 Role Model Hermit Profile in Human Design
- What did I learn from this experience?
- Who is in my circle of trust and who can support me in calling out my gifts?
- Where am I relying too much on my mind and not enough on the inner knowing of my body?
- Am I clear on what my gifts are?
- Where do I feel nourished?
- Am I spending enough time alone, or am I spending too much time alone?
- Am I trying to make something perfect instead of stepping down off the roof?
- Have I tended to the wounds of the first 30 years of my life?
- How can I honor my need for depth and substance?
If you want to dive deeper into human design for business check out these other articles:
- The Do’s And Don’t of Marketing By Type Featured Article on Entrepreneur.com
- My Journey With Human Design
- The 1/3 Profile In Human Design
- Introduction to Profiles in Human Design
- Human Design Projector
- Human Design Manifesting Generator
- Human Design Generator
- Human Design Manifestor
- Human Design Reflector
- Authority in Human Design
- Human Design For Business
- The Voices of the Throat Center – Marketing for Human Design
- HD Your Biz Podcast
I want more insight into human design.
I’m a 6/2. The pain I feel is unbearable sometimes. I’m stuck and lost.
As a 6/2 Manifestor I’ve been through hell and back i have felt helpless yet always stayed calm when life gave me a swing. I came out resilient when i was 28 my life started to change i started doing what was good for me i started being my confident self and it started to show within my aura. I became distant with people and started observing more, i went from being led by my logic to being led by intuition and it helped me to overcome things that i thought i wasn’t able to. Now 33 I feel like i have been through the worst and nothing can get worse anymore i don’t see struggle anymore i see opportunities and new path ways.
I would still wanna know more in depth