One of the most common activities I see entrepreneurs get stuck with is their marketing. They come up with brilliant excuses as to why they can’t market themselves. I know the root of this is an underlying fear, head trash, limiting belief, and/or trauma response as to why their brain wants to keep them safe. 

Let’s face it: when you are marketing yourself, you are vulnerable to putting yourself out on the internet for all to see. This brings up stuff. Fear of success, fear of being seen, anxiety of if what you posted is good enough, stress around who will see and what will that think, nervousness around being a troll, melancholy over no response, stress over if you actually know enough to be posting, obsessing over the image, content, and time, fear of failure. I could go on and on. There are literally thousands of reasons I have heard from clients as to why now is not the right time for them to create content, get visible, and market themselves. 

The truth of the matter is it is incredibly hard to have a business and also have zero marketing. Marketing is your connection to the people that buy from you. All too often, we outsource our marketing first, and we sever the connection to the very people who we serve. We let someone else tell us what we should say and the aesthetic. 

I firmly disagree with this approach because the reality is no one knows your ideal client better than you. Now, this does not mean you have to DIY it all, either. My team handles much of the tactical parts of my marketing presence. However, what you see written here is by me because I know my marketing connects me to you. My words build relationships and create pull (or push) so you can come into my business ecosystem. 

If you want to change the trajectory of your business, you must first change your marketing relationship. Marketing does not have to be pressurized or icky. Marketing can honor the whole of who you are, but in order for us to move to a place where we feel safe to market, we have to address the excuses we sell ourselves on why we can’t or shouldn’t market. 

Here are the content marketing and creation excuses I see most frequently associated with each of these centers. Please keep in mind these excuses can come from BOTH our defined centers when they are in the low expression AND our undefined and open centers.


 Let me know which one resonates with you. 

If you want to dive deeper into this information for yourself, order the HD Your Biz – The Catalyst Report. I cover this information and more in this individualized human design for business report. 

With your design in mind,


Living Your Human Design Marketing by Type

It’s not enough to just have the knowedge of your human design type you must also embody it but embodiment and integration takes time. Give yourself space and grace to decondition and live out your human design type. 

If you like this human design content and want to dig deeper check out these other human design articles.